El Chisme: December 2018

El Chisme: Diciembre 2018

By The Writers


If you had told us on January 2018 that half of the things we saw this year would happen, we probably would have believed you (remember 2017?). But regardless, we were equally surprised at how much has occurred in just one year. For the Hola, Rita Team 2018 was a year of growth, of strengthening relationships, defining what we want to do and starting to truly think ahead.

We are closing the year with a couple of stories we think you should not miss this month. From Miss Rizos appearing in Forbes (English) to a video that made us smile de oreja a oreja (Spanish) here are some stories we are reading and videos we are watching before we say goodbye to 2018.

Miss Rizos in Forbes

The natural hair movement started fairly early in the DR compared to the U.S., and we all have Carolina Contreras aka Miss Rizos to thank for that. In this interview, Carolina talks about her latest campaign and natural hair journey.

Also, here is to seeing more Dominican women in Forbes and working with big global brands like Unilever in 2019!

You can read the full interview here.

The gift of smiling


In a world that moves faster and faster every day, we tend to forget about easy and completely free habits that can quite literally change our lives. Our writer, Catherine, shared this article on our group chat (aka our headquarters) and we had to share it here because, well, sharing is caring.

You can access the full Paradiso issue here.

Noticias chulas y positivas del 2018

Esta lista no necesita mucha introducción. Sabemos que la necesitas también.

De nada.

Puedes acceder a la lista y volverte locx dándole click a todo aquí.

República Dominicana Lo Tiene Todo y Que Lo Sepa Todo el Mundo

Alejandra de @alejateconale compartió el video de su proyecto, “Caminata”, con CNN en Español. Ella se encarga de —brevemente— enseñar algunas de las tantas bellezas que nuestra media isla tiene para ofrecer. Da tanto orgullo ver a una mujer Dominicana viajando, creando comunidades, educando al interior y al exterior de todo lo que hay pa’ descubrir aquí, y haciéndolo en grande.

Puedes acceder el video aquí.